Friday, December 20, 2013

Painting # 1

Hey everyone! I have decided to finally go one the 30 Day Painting Challenge! For anyone who has never heard of it before, basically I will paint 1 picture every day for 30 days. There are so many different reasons to start this challenge, here are a few that I like the most.

-In 30 days I will 30 new paintings! I know thats obvious but what you want to do with those new paintings may not be. ( 30 new peices for a portfolio to show to galleries, of sell online.)

-It's a clear and fast way to improve on your talent. Form the first painting to the last I will be able to easily see and share the progress I have made as an artist.

- It's a good way to stay motivated and develope good habits.

So I will be back every day for the next 30 days with a new painting to show and talk about some of the things I went through while painting it. At the end of the challenge I will reflect on my progress.
- Alexa Lebron

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