Sunday, November 10, 2013

And one more for now. A digital painting I did of Jack Nicholson I call More Good Times
here the link if you would like to buy a print!
Here are a few things I've done lately.Just getting ready to hed out for my day of planning things for my gameboard :)
Tan Toned sketch of Don Benjamin from Americas Next Top Model

Sketch of a new freind I met while teaching at Jet Wine Bar.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

                                            Just A Few Things I've Been Up To

Hey everyone I know I don't post things much but I'm getting back into it! I have so many things to share! First of all let me just say that this is a very fun,exciting and frustrating time in my art right now.It's exciting because I've seen a HUGE leap in the level of my work and also frustrating because now I want to be much better! I have an idea of a series I want to create and I can't wait to be able to show it to everyone. In the meantime however I am still working on a fantasy board game and have seen my skills improve greatly.Here is a painting I started a few days ago and am still playing around with.