Wednesday, March 27, 2013


So lately I've been studying my a** off trying to improve my art to a higher quality.Looking back at the stuff I've posted before I can't believe I used to be proud of them! But I guess thats how improvement works and i'm glad for it.I know that soon  I will look back at my latest post and hate those as well.I can't wait for that day because it means I'm even better.It's so hard being an aspiring artist but I know this is the only thing that makes me truly happy.So it's not hard to keep my motivation.I one day hope to be a freelance artist and animator.-Alexa Lebron
Taurus Born
Portrait of Mariah Carey from her music video The Roof.I did a painting of her once before but I just had to get this out of my system...Don't know if I have yet.

How I Paint Hair In 10 Steps

Portrait of KikiKannibal Been really working hard on my digital painting and fantasy art lately.I'm trying to get work as a freelance illustrator.Theres a certain skill level I'm working towards and I won't stop until I get there.